March 27, 2014

7 Things To Do Before 25

how old are you? What do you want? What do you want before you are married? do you have a goal or a dream unfulfilled desires?

I have so many goals. I was a hyperactive person who wants a lot of things. i love fulltime schedule, like my time for take a nap, i loved it. i love reading, travelling, listening music, watching tv, swimming, eating. i love beach, watersport.
Maybe to be riched person isn't a goal to be, but you have to find your happiness.

okay, back to the topic, What i want to do before 25??
i want to :

1. Change my habbit.
i have a bad habbit, i can't wake up earlier. maybe not can't but don't want and do not refracted. hehe

2. Visit some places in the world
I wanted to visit some places in the world. maybe all of them if I had the money later. hehe. not too far, i want to Raja Ampat, Papua. I want to Raja Ampat, Papua, nice scenery, although Bali has beautiful beaches, but I want to see the Raja Ampat. The beach between the cliff is amazing.
I want go to travel the world :D

3. Paragliding
do yo know paradigling? in indonesia we called it paralayang. why i want to try extreme sport like paralayang? hmm.. Although i'm not a bird, i don't have a wing, but I believe i can fly :D but with different way..hehe
sometime ago, I watched television that is broadcasting that there is paragliding spot in Sulawesi. I wish i can go there.

4. Rafting, Snorkeling, Diving, Sea Walkeri love to watersport. i want to try many activities. that make my day colorful. i want to see beach, river and sea. I want to walk in the sea, sea walker. I have to make a schedule for this and invite my sister. certainly feels great to be met with a lot of fish.

5. Climb a Mountain.
I search some mountain in Indonesia. and i choose Kawah Ijen nd Kelimutu. it amazing view from the mountain peak. i want to selfie there, hahaha

6. Watch World Cup, LIVE!!
dont ask me why if you want too!!

7. Base jumping
I think this is the adrenaline test, and how much lives you have :p
are you sure you want to safely stand on the ground? you want to try?
You can go to California, AS, but you must count how much money you must pay for it.

okay,, i have 4 years and 10 months for realize that, how about you?? :D

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